The Burwood Public School Parents and Citizens Association (BPS P&C) plays an integral role in the Burwood Public School community. We aim to bring parents, staff, students and citizens together to benefit the interests of the students and the school.
The school enjoys a strong partnership with our very committed P&C. They support educational programs through money raised and provide a productive avenue for whole school community input into school policy.
The P&C meet at 9am on the third Friday of each month during terms, in the staff room (above the front office). All parents and carers are welcomed to attend these meetings, regardless of whether you are a P&C member or not.
To subscribe to our mailing list, please email You will recieve:
- News about building developments near the school, and other matters that concern the P&C
- Minutes from meetings, so you can read what has been discussed in our meetings, and what we are doing
- Requests for volunteers to help the with fund raising and other P&C activities.
We encourage all parents, carers and guardians of students enrolled at the school, as well as citizens, employees and school staff to become members of the P&C.